Tag Archives: Christie

Laser Light Engines, LLC, Again the First

Laser Light Engines Announces First Shipment of Its Universal Laser Retrofit System for 2D and 3D Digital Cinema
SALEM, NH– May 22, 2013 –

Jeez, just the heading. “Universal” must mean One Product fits all. That ties into the other press release LLE had on the same day, that they will be teaming with Elbit Systems of Texas to productize a system with the name of DSG265. We’re guessing DSG is for De-Speckled Green, but 265 stumps us. 256 we could have understood if this were an 8 bit system, or 255 perhaps…but DCinema is 12 bit. Hmmm. Marketing.

“Retrofit” is interesting as well. The concept of productizing anything for a market that is essentially completely full – over 90% digital saturation in some markets – there just isn’t going to be a lot of customers looking to trade-in for new projectors. There also isn’t an overwhelming reason to do so since many of the future options of lasers for projectors aren’t developed yet. Plugging into the existing optics works well enough until the mysteries of bi-refringent glass and spinning the photons off the mirrors solves the problems of darkening and softening caused by post-lens 3D filters. So, expensive ultra fast lenses and a lot of optics (that the next generation of engineers will laugh at) will have to remain – retrofit is the way to make the investment in the laser-based light systems work in 2013.

“2D and 3D Cinema” – To those who say that 3D is dead or dying, let’s remember that the studio’s latest arrangements with the Chinese government is to bring the tentpole movies in 3D…not just some, but 100% in 3D. Most of the cinema conversions are 3D capable there, and the 3D-capable percentage in Russia and parts of the EU are higher than in the US as well.

But 3D to work correctly needs more light to the eyes. There are few articles and only a little science on what causes headaches and other problems with 3D, but from those who have seen 3D movies with more light, it is more comfortable. Logic says that more light will make tired eyes strain less with a concommittant reduction in headaches and complaints.

“Announces the First Shipment” – has a nice ring to it after all the speculation and probable NIH competition since LLE made their despeckle announcement a few CinemaCons ago. It seemed obvious to many that the Kodak flash was never going to be productized, and possibly was a stock play writ large. But an actual shipment…and to whom? Enquiring minds, etc.

Having to wait for the lawyers and the marketing team of the customer can be a boring proposition for a company, especially one which wants to avoid the arrows (and worse) that many pioneers have to suffer.

Laser Light Engines, Inc., (LLE), a leader in laser illumination for high brightness digital cinema and performance projection, announced the first shipment of a fully configured RGB-laser powered Universal Laser Retrofit System to a leading global innovator in the cinema space.

“Leading Global Innovator” – Isn’t that a nice way of saying that they are smart enough to buy our product?

“The shipment of this system marks a big step forward for LLE, toward full commercialization of our universal laser upgrade solution for the nearly 100,000 global 2D and 3D digital cinema projectors installed over the past few years,” said laser projection pioneer Bill Beck, founder and EVP at LLE. According to the company, the multi-engine system incorporates LLE’s recently announced, flagship DSG265™ despeckled GREEN color modules, and provides constant brightness, outstanding image quality, brilliant colors and smooth, immersive 3D.

One would think at first that Mr. Beck was hyperbolizing a bit there, implying that 100,000 is the potential market for LLE’s light engine. In fact, in a sense he probably is, but in a sense he is probably understating the potential. There are 4 DCinema projector manufacturers who all sell projectors in far greater volume outside the cinema. They are joined by dozens of other manufacturers who use the same TI chipset (minus the security bits) for other than cinema projectors. Given the way that 3D is developing and getting less expensive on the production and post-production side, creation of 3D material can slip into many more markets, from architecture and product design to executive or music auditoriums to amusement rides.

Productizing is the key, and the market is really huge.

In addition to providing numerous image quality benefits, the LLE solution eliminates frequent replacement of expensive Xenon arc lamps, and can reduce wall plug and HVAC energy consumption. “The LLE multi-engine system is projector, chipset, resolution and frame rate agnostic, and is compatible with most major 3D systems,” Beck said. “And the light from the engine can be delivered via optical fiber cable, enabling flexible new cost- and space-saving deployment models.”

What isn’t being said is almost as loud as what was said in that paragraph. The discussions at recent demonstrations left one with the impression that some companies are not actually able to move the laser position on the frequency curve in a way that benefits both the gamut but also the wall plug efficiency, actually saying that their system wasn’t showing any benefit there, and that the cost of fans at the lasers was a wash with the reduction of savings at the projector vent. One presumes that one is hearing someone saying that the brute force method is all we can do and it works but it doesn’t work well…and come’on, the music moves the screen more than these screen shakers do.

It is just that one can’t help remembering the earthquake in the San Fernando Valley in 1994 when two earthquakes happened in close time and proximity. The joining of the concentric waves caused a much stronger reaction in a nearly straight line from the source points to dozens of miles away, to the extent of chimneys falling and houses being thrown off their foundations all along and to the end of that line, with much less severe damage a block away on either side.

Likewise, the patterns from the shakers was discernible after two weeks, with the light changing colors all along the path where concentric circles joined. Dont’ get the wrong impression; it was a brave and noble act to hold a 2 week demonstration of laser technology. Christie and their parent company Ushio should be lauded. The industry needed it. There is only one way to learn such things and groups should be given honors for taking the expense and the risk.

“Frame rate agnostic” means the future of High Frame Rate is secured and the rest of the PR is stating that compromises no longer have to be made. If history is a guide, the studios allow compromises with specifications until a manufacturer shows that the compromise is no longer required and then sets a date certain for not making prints in that format. MPEG to JPEG, the evolution of security keys and the disappearance of pre-ghostbusted prints all followed that path: one day accepted, one day ‘no mas’.

Resolution agnostic is interesting since it implies 4K, and sure enough – though it isn’t in this press release – if one goes to the LLE website and clicks on the coming event link on

June 11, 2013, 5:00pm
“Laser6P™: A New Laser Illumination System for Premium Dual Projector 3D”
Projection Summit
Orlando, FL

one sees in plain black and white that Mr. Beck of LLE will speak about “LLE was the first to demonstrate laser illuminated, “6 primary”, true 4K 3D with full color and resolution in November of 2012. Both DLP Cinema and LCOS 4K projector platforms have been integrated.”

As exciting as seeing the new RealD screen technologies in action with multiple screens at different angles and light levels, seeing any of the matrix of what that sentence speaks of would be very interesting. The implication is that others have already seen it in private demonstrations,  since the verbiage says ‘already been demonstrated’.

In addition to this major milestone for digital cinema, Beck said LLE will be shipping other new products in the coming months, including both cinema and non-cinema applications such as precision 3D metrology.

“Precision 3D metrology” – We haven’t yet seen anything of the industry’s attempt to create a precision metrology on speckle (or when the distortion goes from bad to unacceptable) and these guys are making products dealing with the measurement of 3D. Wonders never cease.

About Laser Light Engines — Laser Light Engines, Inc. (LLE) is a leader in laser illumination for performance projection, such as 3D cinema; premium large venue and rental/staging. LLE’s laser illumination systems replace traditional, high-pressure gas discharge lamps, producing dramatically brighter and sharper images, with less energy use and lower operating costs. LLE’s universal engine can plug and play with new projection systems or retrofit tens of thousands of installations, worldwide.

Partnerships with key industry players, a portfolio of patented technology and expertise, and a multi-year head start in building laser illumination systems, all combine to make LLE the leader in this large and rapidly emerging market. The venture-funded company was founded in 2008 and is headquartered in Salem, New Hampshire, USA. For additional information visit: http://www.laserlightengines.com Laser Light Engines, LLE, DSG265 and Laser6P are trademarks of Laser Light Engines, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Boilerplate. Wish I had some. But actually, there is data in there. The beauty of boilerplate is that it is all lawyer vetted, so yes Alice, someone is thinking beyond retrofit and those lawyers are sure there is lower operating costs and less energy use in our future all from replacing xenon lamps with laser light.

Laser Light Engines, LLC, Again the First

Laser Light Engines Announces First Shipment of Its Universal Laser Retrofit System for 2D and 3D Digital Cinema
SALEM, NH– May 22, 2013 –

Jeez, just the heading. “Universal” must mean One Product fits all. That ties into the other press release LLE had on the same day, that they will be teaming with Elbit Systems of Texas to productize a system with the name of DSG265. We’re guessing DSG is for De-Speckled Green, but 265 stumps us. 256 we could have understood if this were an 8 bit system, or 255 perhaps…but DCinema is 12 bit. Hmmm. Marketing.

“Retrofit” is interesting as well. The concept of productizing anything for a market that is essentially completely full – over 90% digital saturation in some markets – there just isn’t going to be a lot of customers looking to trade-in for new projectors. There also isn’t an overwhelming reason to do so since many of the future options of lasers for projectors aren’t developed yet. Plugging into the existing optics works well enough until the mysteries of bi-refringent glass and spinning the photons off the mirrors solves the problems of darkening and softening caused by post-lens 3D filters. So, expensive ultra fast lenses and a lot of optics (that the next generation of engineers will laugh at) will have to remain – retrofit is the way to make the investment in the laser-based light systems work in 2013.

“2D and 3D Cinema” – To those who say that 3D is dead or dying, let’s remember that the studio’s latest arrangements with the Chinese government is to bring the tentpole movies in 3D…not just some, but 100% in 3D. Most of the cinema conversions are 3D capable there, and the 3D-capable percentage in Russia and parts of the EU are higher than in the US as well.

But 3D to work correctly needs more light to the eyes. There are few articles and only a little science on what causes headaches and other problems with 3D, but from those who have seen 3D movies with more light, it is more comfortable. Logic says that more light will make tired eyes strain less with a concommittant reduction in headaches and complaints.

“Announces the First Shipment” – has a nice ring to it after all the speculation and probable NIH competition since LLE made their despeckle announcement a few CinemaCons ago. It seemed obvious to many that the Kodak flash was never going to be productized, and possibly was a stock play writ large. But an actual shipment…and to whom? Enquiring minds, etc.

Having to wait for the lawyers and the marketing team of the customer can be a boring proposition for a company, especially one which wants to avoid the arrows (and worse) that many pioneers have to suffer.

Laser Light Engines, Inc., (LLE), a leader in laser illumination for high brightness digital cinema and performance projection, announced the first shipment of a fully configured RGB-laser powered Universal Laser Retrofit System to a leading global innovator in the cinema space.

“Leading Global Innovator” – Isn’t that a nice way of saying that they are smart enough to buy our product?

“The shipment of this system marks a big step forward for LLE, toward full commercialization of our universal laser upgrade solution for the nearly 100,000 global 2D and 3D digital cinema projectors installed over the past few years,” said laser projection pioneer Bill Beck, founder and EVP at LLE. According to the company, the multi-engine system incorporates LLE’s recently announced, flagship DSG265™ despeckled GREEN color modules, and provides constant brightness, outstanding image quality, brilliant colors and smooth, immersive 3D.

One would think at first that Mr. Beck was hyperbolizing a bit there, implying that 100,000 is the potential market for LLE’s light engine. In fact, in a sense he probably is, but in a sense he is probably understating the potential. There are 4 DCinema projector manufacturers who all sell projectors in far greater volume outside the cinema. They are joined by dozens of other manufacturers who use the same TI chipset (minus the security bits) for other than cinema projectors. Given the way that 3D is developing and getting less expensive on the production and post-production side, creation of 3D material can slip into many more markets, from architecture and product design to executive or music auditoriums to amusement rides.

Productizing is the key, and the market is really huge.

In addition to providing numerous image quality benefits, the LLE solution eliminates frequent replacement of expensive Xenon arc lamps, and can reduce wall plug and HVAC energy consumption. “The LLE multi-engine system is projector, chipset, resolution and frame rate agnostic, and is compatible with most major 3D systems,” Beck said. “And the light from the engine can be delivered via optical fiber cable, enabling flexible new cost- and space-saving deployment models.”

What isn’t being said is almost as loud as what was said in that paragraph. The discussions at recent demonstrations left one with the impression that some companies are not actually able to move the laser position on the frequency curve in a way that benefits both the gamut but also the wall plug efficiency, actually saying that their system wasn’t showing any benefit there, and that the cost of fans at the lasers was a wash with the reduction of savings at the projector vent. One presumes that one is hearing someone saying that the brute force method is all we can do and it works but it doesn’t work well…and come’on, the music moves the screen more than these screen shakers do.

It is just that one can’t help remembering the earthquake in the San Fernando Valley in 1994 when two earthquakes happened in close time and proximity. The joining of the concentric waves caused a much stronger reaction in a nearly straight line from the source points to dozens of miles away, to the extent of chimneys falling and houses being thrown off their foundations all along and to the end of that line, with much less severe damage a block away on either side.

Likewise, the patterns from the shakers was discernible after two weeks, with the light changing colors all along the path where concentric circles joined. Dont’ get the wrong impression; it was a brave and noble act to hold a 2 week demonstration of laser technology. Christie and their parent company Ushio should be lauded. The industry needed it. There is only one way to learn such things and groups should be given honors for taking the expense and the risk.

“Frame rate agnostic” means the future of High Frame Rate is secured and the rest of the PR is stating that compromises no longer have to be made. If history is a guide, the studios allow compromises with specifications until a manufacturer shows that the compromise is no longer required and then sets a date certain for not making prints in that format. MPEG to JPEG, the evolution of security keys and the disappearance of pre-ghostbusted prints all followed that path: one day accepted, one day ‘no mas’.

Resolution agnostic is interesting since it implies 4K, and sure enough – though it isn’t in this press release – if one goes to the LLE website and clicks on the coming event link on

June 11, 2013, 5:00pm
“Laser6P™: A New Laser Illumination System for Premium Dual Projector 3D”
Projection Summit
Orlando, FL

one sees in plain black and white that Mr. Beck of LLE will speak about “LLE was the first to demonstrate laser illuminated, “6 primary”, true 4K 3D with full color and resolution in November of 2012. Both DLP Cinema and LCOS 4K projector platforms have been integrated.”

As exciting as seeing the new RealD screen technologies in action with multiple screens at different angles and light levels, seeing any of the matrix of what that sentence speaks of would be very interesting. The implication is that others have already seen it in private demonstrations,  since the verbiage says ‘already been demonstrated’.

In addition to this major milestone for digital cinema, Beck said LLE will be shipping other new products in the coming months, including both cinema and non-cinema applications such as precision 3D metrology.

“Precision 3D metrology” – We haven’t yet seen anything of the industry’s attempt to create a precision metrology on speckle (or when the distortion goes from bad to unacceptable) and these guys are making products dealing with the measurement of 3D. Wonders never cease.

About Laser Light Engines — Laser Light Engines, Inc. (LLE) is a leader in laser illumination for performance projection, such as 3D cinema; premium large venue and rental/staging. LLE’s laser illumination systems replace traditional, high-pressure gas discharge lamps, producing dramatically brighter and sharper images, with less energy use and lower operating costs. LLE’s universal engine can plug and play with new projection systems or retrofit tens of thousands of installations, worldwide.

Partnerships with key industry players, a portfolio of patented technology and expertise, and a multi-year head start in building laser illumination systems, all combine to make LLE the leader in this large and rapidly emerging market. The venture-funded company was founded in 2008 and is headquartered in Salem, New Hampshire, USA. For additional information visit: http://www.laserlightengines.com Laser Light Engines, LLE, DSG265 and Laser6P are trademarks of Laser Light Engines, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Boilerplate. Wish I had some. But actually, there is data in there. The beauty of boilerplate is that it is all lawyer vetted, so yes Alice, someone is thinking beyond retrofit and those lawyers are sure there is lower operating costs and less energy use in our future all from replacing xenon lamps with laser light.

Tripping Over the Laser Light – Fantastic~!

Voluntary DCinema Documents

The second issue has to do with enforcement of SMPTE/ISO/DCI standards. This author made a presentation to this point in 2008 at the EDCF/IBC final day presentations, illustrating that all three groups (and NATO) created voluntary standards. This author even made the compulsory presentation joke, paraphrasing Stalin concerning the Pope – that none of these groups have any tanks, or even a police department. (Nobody laughed then either.)[See: Training and Compliance]

We then pointed out that any company that signed a VPF deal with a Hollywood studio typically has a clause that mandates that they will follow all SMPTE/ISO and DCI specifications and recommended practices. This puts the studios in the position of being the police. Certainly if a cinema facility were to violate a part of a security specification, there would be no movie sent to that offending machine or perhaps, that party…(even if it were 3D, which doesn’t have any security specs mentioned?) Why would a quality issue be any different than a security issue? [ Cinema owners understand this issue: at every consequential point they ask – as one did during a recent SMPTE HFR webcast, “Will my equipment need another round of DCI Certification if I modify it for HFR?” The presenter danced around the correct answer.]

The reason might be that d-cinema performance issues have always evolved. DCI studios have generally enforced their rules only when one manufacturer can show that there is a way to make equipment, or a workflow, which can be made generally available and which follows the rules. Enforcement of key security, MPEG to JPEG, and other “standards” were migrated to in this fashion, so much so that there is an interim “InterOp” “Standard” that is being migrated from this year. SMPTE Specs and Recommended Practices can be migrated to because, now, finally, the SMPTE Standards and Recommended Practices have all been voted on and stamped and moved to ISO for Internationalization of the standards…and manufacturers make equipment and workflows which have all been laboriously tested and shown to work (thanks ISDCF~!).

Enforceable from Voluntary by virtue of VPF Contract Signature

Allowing 3D movies to be presented at less than 48 candelas/m2 is one more example of studio leniency while the industry works out a technical solution. If RealD were able to productize the Argonne National Laboratory method of Acoustic levitation (- YouTube) to place a screen full of polarizing particles that reflected an evenly spread 48 cd/m2 throughout an auditorium without the arbitrary vagaries of silver screens and the predictable vagaries of high-gain screens, one could bet that there would be a date certain cut off of material to those who didn’t have equipment that complies. (Full disclosure: We know nothing about the scope of RealD’s Acoustic Levitation research deep in the mountains behind their Denver labs.)

Small picture of light abuse at IBC RAI high gain silver hugo screenFinally, just so we can get to the main attraction, we’ll skip further details about silver and high-gain screens. We sat in the center of the house, immediately behind where the room is calibrated from. Pictures and comments about general screen effects can be read about in the earlier article: 
Lasers, Christie, IBC…Silver Screen Why [Update 2]
and also see CineTech Geek’s video of: Demonstration of Silver Screen compromise]


There are screen effects specific to lasers, and there were dozens (hundreds?) of people looking for them. Speckle is the most famous, but perhaps the most around-the-corner insidious is metamerism. Both problems are see-able in certain circumstances with Xenon bulb powered projectors. Fortunately or unfortunately, watching a movie like Hugo after a long day of conventioning doesn’t put ones eyes in the best condition for analysing…but that won’t stop the digital illuminati.



First off, Hugo is just too easy to slip into pure suspension of disbelief. Absolutely gorgeously and inventively shot. Many cool things to watch. Hugo stereographer Demetri Portelli showed some comparison clips at 2 different light levels…everyone should see those clips. Anyone who doesn’t see that much light in their local theater should be asking for a discount instead of an upcharge. Just before the complete film ran, Demetri said he was pleased that the movie at its proper level was “finally seeing the light of day.” — immediately, your author realized he couldn’t recall if there were any daytime shots in the movie.

To that point, long-time digital cinema tech exec Patrick von Sychowski said, it was “almost as if the railway scene had been shot two hours later in the morning.”

What wasn’t there to watch for was any bright clear skys with fields of green grass and trees moving in the wind. In fact, there were no patches of green to be seen. If we had been watching Toy Story or The Incredibles, this would probably have been a medical event, or so some experts have said. As it was, it was a great way to demonstrate a movie with lasers for its projector’s primary source for the first time.

Peter Wilson, Principle at HDDC – famously insightful on testing and objective technical analysis – sent a quite positive, and somewhat complete list of points. The line numbers have been added to make commenting simple:

1) I went and it was awesome, like a different movie. Very engaging – people were laughing at Sacha Baron Cohen as you could actually see the detail of his performance.

2) Rating 10/10 for the public 8/10 for experts.

3) Issues were some temporal axis distortion but the movie was shot by professionals to minimise 24 fps artefacts.

4) Speckle, mostly invisible but in one scene with a flat red field near the end it was very visible. Public would probably think it was an effect.

5) Really noisy fans.

6) Silver screen used to make the 14 ft lambert claim but I cannot comment about this as I was sitting in just about the best place.

7) Allegedly they vibrated the screen to minimise Speckle.

8) Good work in progress but Christie guy said don’t hold your breath for availability and the technology may never be cheaper than Xenon.

9) The demo showed it’s possible to use laser illumination, maybe 3-5 years before it could be a main stream business.

10) So I made sure I sat in what I thought was the best place… A good effort I think but I cannot comment on other seating areas.

11) In reality It was good enough to concentrate on the story not the technology.

Number 11 really is the kicker. When we were sitting waiting for the show to get under way the fan noise was gruesome. Once the movie started, I forgot to notice. Compared to the miserably dark, sparkly-at-the-edges-of-objects movie that I had seen with the cheap passive glasses in the past…well, there can be no comparison.

Number 7 – There were devices mounted on the back of the screen. Whether or not they were on and used cannot be verified at this time, but they were seen and documented. They were mounted in 3 rows across the screen (4 pipes tied together to make one long one), somewhat in this fashion:

position of shakers on laser screen What is known is that silver screens should be worse for laser projection. But the choices that Christie had at IBC were 2 screens; one flat white screen, said to have a 1.4 gain (which Dolby showed Promethus on two nights before), and a 2.4 gain silver screen.

For all that they had 6 x 10k+ lumen Necsel laser units feeding into the projector, they didn’t have that much coming out. General guesses are that they had about a third that at the lens…which is really quite good for this unproductized system.

The hype machine had pressed forward the idea that they were going to show 14 foot Lamberts, so they didn’t have a lot of leeway. There were rumors of late nights pushing to get 12 ft-L. In the end, without being there at the time of the final tweak, there was no way to know except to trust. (Details about current expensive test tools not being able to work accurately with laser light presentations is yet another white paper to write.)

The reality was that in the center of the room it seemed a little over-bright, but that could have been because the movie wasn’t mastered for that brightness, but for something more like the average of the room. (While the hype machine would get very specific about some things, they left the “Was Hugo re-mastered (color timed) for 48 candela/m2 (14 ft./lamberts)?” question with a “…yes, this version was specially colour-timed for higher brightness projection.” which left the answer to the question open to interpretation.)

Nonetheless, early thoughts that the silver screen was used because combining the randomness of shakers with the unpredictable silver surface may be clever or may be bollocks. Perhaps the silver was choosen because it was the choice that they had for “high enough gain” to get to 14. Details about shakers seem known in the community, so we’ll have to dig into a special article for that later as well. It is said that this will be the only way to get Necsel devices to work, for a number of reasons. Another projector manufacturer is said to be trying this for their IMAX development.

Necsel was one of the celebrity hot California companies for a while, hoping that rear-view laser projection would catch on at the home. They went through hundreds of millions of dollars and didn’t come up with a commercially viable product. They did provide enough of a product to allow Kodak to make a laser projector demo, which many people at the time thought was a pure stock play, a tool to help them appear to still be alive. Necsel weren’t bought outright by Ushio, Christie’s parent company, but Ushio did buy 51% of them.

Despite all that work, there was speckle, and the big RED patch that appeared for a few second wasn’t the only hit. The scrolling titles at the end exhibited it as well. As the Christie spokesman of the evening pointed out, there are several manufacturers going several different ways right now. Most are fighting the wrong technology because they think it might be easier in the end (“Why go for a high tech solution when a low tech one will work,” is what one engineer quip’d.)

What this says is that there is a need for an objective metrology to give everyone a language to speak with and a guide to what is acceptable and what isn’t. While watching the latest ASC camera test results on the same afternoon, it also occurred to us slow ones in the room that a piece of StEM-like content – specifically designed for laser projection – would be excellent.

In fact, there were two technical groups in the laser field working on “big topics”. The first is well known as LIPA, Laser Illuminated Projector Association, and is active. This group is attempting to show that laser illuminated projectors can be certified safe on the federal level rather than requiring each system to get a permit from local, state and federal groups. Good effort, but not improving the science.

It seems that there is no bandwidth for the group that is required to create the metrology and help the science of identifying and quantizing speckle and metamerism. There was a proposal document for measuring speckle distributed at the SID conference 2 and a half years ago, but nothing seems to have happened since. At a Hollywood SMPTE meeting we learned that Laser Light Engines had reduced Speckle Contrast Ratio to below 1% (not to 1% of that of a fully coherent laser.) It would be great to learn about what measurements besides the marquee “14 foot Lamberts” that the PR people flaunted so well.

To be continued…because we must..have to…challenge the metamerism discussion…which is difficult since the usual web-search suspects all spin too many complications into the discussion. Perhaps a color and eye scientist can get something out of the far too complicated Wikipedia article, but like so many articles, if you know the subject already you can find the errors but don’t have time to fix them.

The other reason that searching the web doesn’t work for this topic is that most approach it from too general of a direction. The majority of articles speak to buying a carpet that you think is grey in the store and it is a shade of brown in the office…or vice-versa or a dress or something from your printer. Then they’ll point to the bandwidth of the light being more or less yellow in one place or the other. Which is fine, as far as they go.

But the difference in this discussion is not only in the difference in how people see but the difference in the way projectors manipulate light before it hits the chip and the famous entendue.

When we think of color science we think of the CIE, and spectral sensitivity curves, and 2 or 10 degree horseshoes. What we don’t think of is that the 1931 curves were derived from tests of less than 20 people and the 1964 derivations came from a few dozen Londoners (including perhaps 2 foreign students.) Yet our act of seeing involves millions of cones that are sensitive to varied colors and many more millions of rods and a matrix of purposeful cells in front of and behind them all (including for some bizarre reason, our eye’s blood vessels.) There are chemical reactions that these fire off, which can affect small changes or large (who hasn’t felt the bleaching effect that protects the mechanism when we foolishly look at a super-bright light?) And then these bundles of nerves get sent to many different fast and slow processing sectors of the brain.

End result: We all see differently. Generally, this isn’t a problem. We usually are tasked with processing fairly wide bands of wavelengths of light. The two CIE horseshoes derived from 50 people does a fairly good job of typifying billions of us.

Cutting a long story short though, lasers are nano-small. Like other sciences at those small sizes, things be different. A patch of color illuminated by a laser can look bright green to me while perhaps bright yellow to you. (If I understand it right, the differences follow along the line from the primary through the white point to the secondary. So: blue to yellow, green to magenta, red to cyan. That this provokes a complete discussion – in a separate article – of the opponent theory of color…)

Matt Cowen spoke briefly to this issue while d-cinema was still in primordial soup. Others have mentioned it since then, but it wasn’t an issue to study. Now it can be seen and any group putting up a picture with tightly focused laser colors (anyone but Laser Light Engines at this point, which broadens the laser light away from just one frequency) will run into this issue.

Did we see it last night with Hugo? I spoke to people who thought that they saw it. When I said, “The blue in Sasha-Cohen’s uniform?” they said, “Exactly~!” But there is no way to tell. That could have been a directors choice and we were seeing the exact proper color.

Or, we may have been seated in the bright seats with a movie color timed (mastered) at 8. All we know from the Chistie hype-machine is “specially colour-timed for higher brightness projection”. How to make that decision? Statistically there were maybe only 10 seats in the room that received as much light as the radiospectrometer that set up the room in advance of the screening. The fall off of light from a 2.4 gain screen is pretty steep. It would take a good algorithm to figure the deviation down to scotopic light levels. But looking at the width of the room one would guess that more saw it at 6 or 8 and below than at 10 and above. If it was mastered for 8 and we in the center of the room saw it at 14, that’s a prety big disparity and would make the blue of the uniform somewhat washed out and looking ‘different’.

Ultimately, we saw a science experiement without the benefit of knowing the science. Perhaps we will in the future. Certainly there isn’t any secret sauce here. If it is true that Barco is also trying to use shaking devices to reduce speckle, they already know what Christie knows. They are probably wondering what went wrong to make that big field of red go glisten just like everyone is.

What we heard – Several people comment about the high level of the fans and electronics which most presume is the cooling system for the rather impressive tower housing the laser system. We understand that that section alone was fed with 60 amps, 3 phase. But I swear that if tortured I would say that I never heard them once I got into the movie.

What we saw –

The Hype – There were several companies in competition for the Buzzword Compliance Award 2012 at IBC this year. The wording of the press releases for this event was typical of the Christie and Barco tit-for-tat hyperbole festival whenever thay world-first something.

The Reality – What level of lumens were coming out of the lens? hitting the screen? getting to the glasses? though the glasses?

– There was a reason that Necsel spent 200 million and sold for dimes…long story perhaps best left for later.

– Shaking – Want. More. Data.

Different Reactions – More to come

Different Science – There is some fear that by the time lasers are ready to play that 1) everyone in the cinema world will have bought their projector-for-life and all we will get is laser-retrofits and/or a new screen of OLEDs will be presented at huge contrast/huge light/huge size/ small price. Laser retrofits don’t have the best features of lasers. Get rid of all of the light pipes and prism and reflector this and that and toss the light straight on the chip and out of an F6 lens for ultimate of inexpensive and green. Christie’s comment at the beginning of the show reminds some of the statements from IBM in the mid-80’s about computers that would hold the market in suspence while they got their act together. Some say that lasers will invade the field in one or two years, though people said that one or two years ago. As far as an emmisive technology, I think we need a buzzword for self-growing crystals that suspend themselves in the screen position, adapting to holo-metadata (and blocking the EXIT lights until needed.)

Future – Regardless of every torture or flaw, Christie stuck their necks out and performed excellently. The perfect picture, great technology that didn’t really hiccup once going. They provoked discussion that the industry will have to come to grips with while it is distracted with high frame rates. And they moved the bar up. Until someone can show a productizable, no speckle system, no one will be able hit Hyperbole: Plaid :11 anymore, which is a good thing.


Minimizing Observer Metamerism in Display Systems Rajeev Ramanath, 7 March 2008

Tripping Over the Laser Light – Fantastic~!

Voluntary DCinema Documents

The second issue has to do with enforcement of SMPTE/ISO/DCI standards. This author made a presentation to this point in 2008 at the EDCF/IBC final day presentations, illustrating that all three groups (and NATO) created voluntary standards. This author even made the compulsory presentation joke, paraphrasing Stalin concerning the Pope – that none of these groups have any tanks, or even a police department. (Nobody laughed then either.)[See: Training and Compliance]

We then pointed out that any company that signed a VPF deal with a Hollywood studio typically has a clause that mandates that they will follow all SMPTE/ISO and DCI specifications and recommended practices. This puts the studios in the position of being the police. Certainly if a cinema facility were to violate a part of a security specification, there would be no movie sent to that offending machine or perhaps, that party…(even if it were 3D, which doesn’t have any security specs mentioned?) Why would a quality issue be any different than a security issue? [ Cinema owners understand this issue: at every consequential point they ask – as one did during a recent SMPTE HFR webcast, “Will my equipment need another round of DCI Certification if I modify it for HFR?” The presenter danced around the correct answer.]

The reason might be that d-cinema performance issues have always evolved. DCI studios have generally enforced their rules only when one manufacturer can show that there is a way to make equipment, or a workflow, which can be made generally available and which follows the rules. Enforcement of key security, MPEG to JPEG, and other “standards” were migrated to in this fashion, so much so that there is an interim “InterOp” “Standard” that is being migrated from this year. SMPTE Specs and Recommended Practices can be migrated to because, now, finally, the SMPTE Standards and Recommended Practices have all been voted on and stamped and moved to ISO for Internationalization of the standards…and manufacturers make equipment and workflows which have all been laboriously tested and shown to work (thanks ISDCF~!).

Enforceable from Voluntary by virtue of VPF Contract Signature

Allowing 3D movies to be presented at less than 48 candelas/m2 is one more example of studio leniency while the industry works out a technical solution. If RealD were able to productize the Argonne National Laboratory method of Acoustic levitation (- YouTube) to place a screen full of polarizing particles that reflected an evenly spread 48 cd/m2 throughout an auditorium without the arbitrary vagaries of silver screens and the predictable vagaries of high-gain screens, one could bet that there would be a date certain cut off of material to those who didn’t have equipment that complies. (Full disclosure: We know nothing about the scope of RealD’s Acoustic Levitation research deep in the mountains behind their Denver labs.)

Small picture of light abuse at IBC RAI high gain silver hugo screenFinally, just so we can get to the main attraction, we’ll skip further details about silver and high-gain screens. We sat in the center of the house, immediately behind where the room is calibrated from. Pictures and comments about general screen effects can be read about in the earlier article: 
Lasers, Christie, IBC…Silver Screen Why [Update 2]
and also see CineTech Geek’s video of: Demonstration of Silver Screen compromise]


There are screen effects specific to lasers, and there were dozens (hundreds?) of people looking for them. Speckle is the most famous, but perhaps the most around-the-corner insidious is metamerism. Both problems are see-able in certain circumstances with Xenon bulb powered projectors. Fortunately or unfortunately, watching a movie like Hugo after a long day of conventioning doesn’t put ones eyes in the best condition for analysing…but that won’t stop the digital illuminati.



First off, Hugo is just too easy to slip into pure suspension of disbelief. Absolutely gorgeously and inventively shot. Many cool things to watch. Hugo stereographer Demetri Portelli showed some comparison clips at 2 different light levels…everyone should see those clips. Anyone who doesn’t see that much light in their local theater should be asking for a discount instead of an upcharge. Just before the complete film ran, Demetri said he was pleased that the movie at its proper level was “finally seeing the light of day.” — immediately, your author realized he couldn’t recall if there were any daytime shots in the movie.

To that point, long-time digital cinema tech exec Patrick von Sychowski said, it was “almost as if the railway scene had been shot two hours later in the morning.”

What wasn’t there to watch for was any bright clear skys with fields of green grass and trees moving in the wind. In fact, there were no patches of green to be seen. If we had been watching Toy Story or The Incredibles, this would probably have been a medical event, or so some experts have said. As it was, it was a great way to demonstrate a movie with lasers for its projector’s primary source for the first time.

Peter Wilson, Principle at HDDC – famously insightful on testing and objective technical analysis – sent a quite positive, and somewhat complete list of points. The line numbers have been added to make commenting simple:

1) I went and it was awesome, like a different movie. Very engaging – people were laughing at Sacha Baron Cohen as you could actually see the detail of his performance.

2) Rating 10/10 for the public 8/10 for experts.

3) Issues were some temporal axis distortion but the movie was shot by professionals to minimise 24 fps artefacts.

4) Speckle, mostly invisible but in one scene with a flat red field near the end it was very visible. Public would probably think it was an effect.

5) Really noisy fans.

6) Silver screen used to make the 14 ft lambert claim but I cannot comment about this as I was sitting in just about the best place.

7) Allegedly they vibrated the screen to minimise Speckle.

8) Good work in progress but Christie guy said don’t hold your breath for availability and the technology may never be cheaper than Xenon.

9) The demo showed it’s possible to use laser illumination, maybe 3-5 years before it could be a main stream business.

10) So I made sure I sat in what I thought was the best place… A good effort I think but I cannot comment on other seating areas.

11) In reality It was good enough to concentrate on the story not the technology.

Number 11 really is the kicker. When we were sitting waiting for the show to get under way the fan noise was gruesome. Once the movie started, I forgot to notice. Compared to the miserably dark, sparkly-at-the-edges-of-objects movie that I had seen with the cheap passive glasses in the past…well, there can be no comparison.

Number 7 – There were devices mounted on the back of the screen. Whether or not they were on and used cannot be verified at this time, but they were seen and documented. They were mounted in 3 rows across the screen (4 pipes tied together to make one long one), somewhat in this fashion:

position of shakers on laser screen What is known is that silver screens should be worse for laser projection. But the choices that Christie had at IBC were 2 screens; one flat white screen, said to have a 1.4 gain (which Dolby showed Promethus on two nights before), and a 2.4 gain silver screen.

For all that they had 6 x 10k+ lumen Necsel laser units feeding into the projector, they didn’t have that much coming out. General guesses are that they had about a third that at the lens…which is really quite good for this unproductized system.

The hype machine had pressed forward the idea that they were going to show 14 foot Lamberts, so they didn’t have a lot of leeway. There were rumors of late nights pushing to get 12 ft-L. In the end, without being there at the time of the final tweak, there was no way to know except to trust. (Details about current expensive test tools not being able to work accurately with laser light presentations is yet another white paper to write.)

The reality was that in the center of the room it seemed a little over-bright, but that could have been because the movie wasn’t mastered for that brightness, but for something more like the average of the room. (While the hype machine would get very specific about some things, they left the “Was Hugo re-mastered (color timed) for 48 candela/m2 (14 ft./lamberts)?” question with a “…yes, this version was specially colour-timed for higher brightness projection.” which left the answer to the question open to interpretation.)

Nonetheless, early thoughts that the silver screen was used because combining the randomness of shakers with the unpredictable silver surface may be clever or may be bollocks. Perhaps the silver was choosen because it was the choice that they had for “high enough gain” to get to 14. Details about shakers seem known in the community, so we’ll have to dig into a special article for that later as well. It is said that this will be the only way to get Necsel devices to work, for a number of reasons. Another projector manufacturer is said to be trying this for their IMAX development.

Necsel was one of the celebrity hot California companies for a while, hoping that rear-view laser projection would catch on at the home. They went through hundreds of millions of dollars and didn’t come up with a commercially viable product. They did provide enough of a product to allow Kodak to make a laser projector demo, which many people at the time thought was a pure stock play, a tool to help them appear to still be alive. Necsel weren’t bought outright by Ushio, Christie’s parent company, but Ushio did buy 51% of them.

Despite all that work, there was speckle, and the big RED patch that appeared for a few second wasn’t the only hit. The scrolling titles at the end exhibited it as well. As the Christie spokesman of the evening pointed out, there are several manufacturers going several different ways right now. Most are fighting the wrong technology because they think it might be easier in the end (“Why go for a high tech solution when a low tech one will work,” is what one engineer quip’d.)

What this says is that there is a need for an objective metrology to give everyone a language to speak with and a guide to what is acceptable and what isn’t. While watching the latest ASC camera test results on the same afternoon, it also occurred to us slow ones in the room that a piece of StEM-like content – specifically designed for laser projection – would be excellent.

In fact, there were two technical groups in the laser field working on “big topics”. The first is well known as LIPA, Laser Illuminated Projector Association, and is active. This group is attempting to show that laser illuminated projectors can be certified safe on the federal level rather than requiring each system to get a permit from local, state and federal groups. Good effort, but not improving the science.

It seems that there is no bandwidth for the group that is required to create the metrology and help the science of identifying and quantizing speckle and metamerism. There was a proposal document for measuring speckle distributed at the SID conference 2 and a half years ago, but nothing seems to have happened since. At a Hollywood SMPTE meeting we learned that Laser Light Engines had reduced Speckle Contrast Ratio to below 1% (not to 1% of that of a fully coherent laser.) It would be great to learn about what measurements besides the marquee “14 foot Lamberts” that the PR people flaunted so well.

To be continued…because we must..have to…challenge the metamerism discussion…which is difficult since the usual web-search suspects all spin too many complications into the discussion. Perhaps a color and eye scientist can get something out of the far too complicated Wikipedia article, but like so many articles, if you know the subject already you can find the errors but don’t have time to fix them.

The other reason that searching the web doesn’t work for this topic is that most approach it from too general of a direction. The majority of articles speak to buying a carpet that you think is grey in the store and it is a shade of brown in the office…or vice-versa or a dress or something from your printer. Then they’ll point to the bandwidth of the light being more or less yellow in one place or the other. Which is fine, as far as they go.

But the difference in this discussion is not only in the difference in how people see but the difference in the way projectors manipulate light before it hits the chip and the famous entendue.

When we think of color science we think of the CIE, and spectral sensitivity curves, and 2 or 10 degree horseshoes. What we don’t think of is that the 1931 curves were derived from tests of less than 20 people and the 1964 derivations came from a few dozen Londoners (including perhaps 2 foreign students.) Yet our act of seeing involves millions of cones that are sensitive to varied colors and many more millions of rods and a matrix of purposeful cells in front of and behind them all (including for some bizarre reason, our eye’s blood vessels.) There are chemical reactions that these fire off, which can affect small changes or large (who hasn’t felt the bleaching effect that protects the mechanism when we foolishly look at a super-bright light?) And then these bundles of nerves get sent to many different fast and slow processing sectors of the brain.

End result: We all see differently. Generally, this isn’t a problem. We usually are tasked with processing fairly wide bands of wavelengths of light. The two CIE horseshoes derived from 50 people does a fairly good job of typifying billions of us.

Cutting a long story short though, lasers are nano-small. Like other sciences at those small sizes, things be different. A patch of color illuminated by a laser can look bright green to me while perhaps bright yellow to you. (If I understand it right, the differences follow along the line from the primary through the white point to the secondary. So: blue to yellow, green to magenta, red to cyan. That this provokes a complete discussion – in a separate article – of the opponent theory of color…)

Matt Cowen spoke briefly to this issue while d-cinema was still in primordial soup. Others have mentioned it since then, but it wasn’t an issue to study. Now it can be seen and any group putting up a picture with tightly focused laser colors (anyone but Laser Light Engines at this point, which broadens the laser light away from just one frequency) will run into this issue.

Did we see it last night with Hugo? I spoke to people who thought that they saw it. When I said, “The blue in Sasha-Cohen’s uniform?” they said, “Exactly~!” But there is no way to tell. That could have been a directors choice and we were seeing the exact proper color.

Or, we may have been seated in the bright seats with a movie color timed (mastered) at 8. All we know from the Chistie hype-machine is “specially colour-timed for higher brightness projection”. How to make that decision? Statistically there were maybe only 10 seats in the room that received as much light as the radiospectrometer that set up the room in advance of the screening. The fall off of light from a 2.4 gain screen is pretty steep. It would take a good algorithm to figure the deviation down to scotopic light levels. But looking at the width of the room one would guess that more saw it at 6 or 8 and below than at 10 and above. If it was mastered for 8 and we in the center of the room saw it at 14, that’s a prety big disparity and would make the blue of the uniform somewhat washed out and looking ‘different’.

Ultimately, we saw a science experiement without the benefit of knowing the science. Perhaps we will in the future. Certainly there isn’t any secret sauce here. If it is true that Barco is also trying to use shaking devices to reduce speckle, they already know what Christie knows. They are probably wondering what went wrong to make that big field of red go glisten just like everyone is.

What we heard – Several people comment about the high level of the fans and electronics which most presume is the cooling system for the rather impressive tower housing the laser system. We understand that that section alone was fed with 60 amps, 3 phase. But I swear that if tortured I would say that I never heard them once I got into the movie.

What we saw –

The Hype – There were several companies in competition for the Buzzword Compliance Award 2012 at IBC this year. The wording of the press releases for this event was typical of the Christie and Barco tit-for-tat hyperbole festival whenever thay world-first something.

The Reality – What level of lumens were coming out of the lens? hitting the screen? getting to the glasses? though the glasses?

– There was a reason that Necsel spent 200 million and sold for dimes…long story perhaps best left for later.

– Shaking – Want. More. Data.

Different Reactions – More to come

Different Science – There is some fear that by the time lasers are ready to play that 1) everyone in the cinema world will have bought their projector-for-life and all we will get is laser-retrofits and/or a new screen of OLEDs will be presented at huge contrast/huge light/huge size/ small price. Laser retrofits don’t have the best features of lasers. Get rid of all of the light pipes and prism and reflector this and that and toss the light straight on the chip and out of an F6 lens for ultimate of inexpensive and green. Christie’s comment at the beginning of the show reminds some of the statements from IBM in the mid-80’s about computers that would hold the market in suspence while they got their act together. Some say that lasers will invade the field in one or two years, though people said that one or two years ago. As far as an emmisive technology, I think we need a buzzword for self-growing crystals that suspend themselves in the screen position, adapting to holo-metadata (and blocking the EXIT lights until needed.)

Future – Regardless of every torture or flaw, Christie stuck their necks out and performed excellently. The perfect picture, great technology that didn’t really hiccup once going. They provoked discussion that the industry will have to come to grips with while it is distracted with high frame rates. And they moved the bar up. Until someone can show a productizable, no speckle system, no one will be able hit Hyperbole: Plaid :11 anymore, which is a good thing.


Minimizing Observer Metamerism in Display Systems Rajeev Ramanath, 7 March 2008

[Update] LLE, Sony, NAB and CinemaCon

Since Bill Beck will be on the EDCF Bus Trip for the various sound system demos and visit to the Academy, we’ll hopefully get enough info to fill a new article on the current state of the technology and politics of laser. For example, the LIPA group’s lawyer [Laser Illuminated Projectors, Laser Illuminated Projector Association] gave an excellent slide presentation and talk on the legal aspects of public use lasers.

[Original Article] The Art of Reading Press Releases Kit includes chicken bones and Roman dice. But what are we to make of the first paragraph of LLE’s fresh press release issued days in front of the SMPTE/NAB Technology Symposium on Cinema on April 14th?

Laser Light Engines, Inc. (LLE), a venture-backed, laser-illumination developer today announced the world’s first public demonstration of fully-despeckled, high brightness 3D, high frame rate (HFR), wide color gamut (WCG) laser projection on a silver 3D screen at the upcoming NAB Technology Symposium on Cinema (TSC), on April 14, 2012 from 4:14pm-5:45pm PDT in Room #S222.

Bill Beck, founder and EVP of Business Development for LLE will be presenting an invited talk on Laser Illumination Systems for 2D and 3D Digital Cinema. “We appreciate the opportunity to educate and update the NAB Digital Cinema community with both a tutorial and a live demonstration of laser 3D on a silver screen in conjunction with SONY,” Beck said. “Since its founding, LLE has been committed to laser-driven light sources that exceed the requirements of digital cinema”. LLE was the first to achieve full laser despeckling on a white screen in 2010, but with the rapid proliferation of 3D, and other advancements to be discussed at this year’s TSC, had to develop additional technology to meet new, more challenging requirements.

Venture-backed: Well, we know that LLE has had a number of interesting investors over the last few years. All laser technologies have been money consumers as obvious and thrilling ideas need a extraordinary effort to get past the vagaries of such precision.

Laser-Illumination developer: There are many, of course. Polaroid Kodak used the engines of a California company rather than LLE’s system for their one-off, pre-prototype projector system. Sony R&D has had releases in the past about their engines, so the fact that this Technology Symposium exhibition is with Sony is interesting…though both companies are careful to point out that this is a technology showing (nothing more, nothing less.) Barco has had some great demonstrations in the recent past, and RED is promising to blow everyone out of the water with their offering. Christie’s mother company Ushio is known to have laser technology, but ‘focused’ more in the IR region.

“world’s first public demonstration of fully-despeckled, high brightness 3D, high frame rate (HFR), wide color gamut (WCG) laser projection on a silver 3D screen”: To parse this, it may appear that the “silver 3D screen” portion that modifies enough to make the “world’s first public demonstration” be valid. But it also may be the “fully-despeckled” phrase. Other companies give their buzz-words that indicate that they have gotten the speckles down to a responsible level, currently an unmeasurable quantity since there is no agreed-upon way to compare one to one. An industry group has been set up to change this, but until then we only know that getting the speckle out of green is the most difficult, and we know that LLE says: Fully-despeckled. One presumes: Zero doesn’t need an industry standard.

But is there a downside to being fully despeckled? Despeckling must, to some degree, be as simple as broadening the Q of the light since it is the narrowness that causes the effect of speckling. But that would have a negative effect as the light approaches the mirrors perhaps. We’ll see if anyone can phrase a question that makes Bill speak to their secret sauce. I suspect 4th and 5th dimension activity.

But what about “wide gamut”? The DCI spec does the opposite of constrict the gamut. It invites manufacturers to get as broad as possible in the XYZ space. But there are limits and distortions with every light. Going “negative” on one or more points to get better effects along the line of purples will have effects in the greens, where the eye is most sensitive. Hopefully Bill Beck will give details here too.

But it is that “silver 3D screen” part that is the rub. Silver implies aluminum and high-gain. Aluminum holds the photon polarity of the RealD and MasterImage systems, so even if the laser light engine were to give them full brightness at the screen with a low gain screen, they would still have to use the silver screen to keep their left-right effect working. Some would say that it is the high-gain problem, giving much of the auditorium less than responsible light levels as the window of ‘gain’ decreases…and they would be right. 23 degrees off the horizontal and/or vertical center and the viewer typically has half the light or less.

But the aluminum also distorts the screen’s image, usually making it impossible to get the 70-90% luminosity level at the sides (as measured from the center), or to get a responsible white point anywhere. This is much of the reason that France’s CNC has banned the silver screen for cinemas showing 2D films and will probably force them out completely as time goes on.

Notwithstanding, this is an interesting release and an interesting step for both technical and political reasons. It will be interesting to see if LLE can parlay this into interesting motion at CinemaCon the following week.

Also interesting is that both parties, Sony and LLE, are being careful in their press releases to say that this joint project is only for this demo. No way to tell how to parse that for absolute truth.

[Update] LLE, Sony, NAB and CinemaCon

Since Bill Beck will be on the EDCF Bus Trip for the various sound system demos and visit to the Academy, we’ll hopefully get enough info to fill a new article on the current state of the technology and politics of laser. For example, the LIPA group’s lawyer [Laser Illuminated Projectors, Laser Illuminated Projector Association] gave an excellent slide presentation and talk on the legal aspects of public use lasers.

[Original Article] The Art of Reading Press Releases Kit includes chicken bones and Roman dice. But what are we to make of the first paragraph of LLE’s fresh press release issued days in front of the SMPTE/NAB Technology Symposium on Cinema on April 14th?

Laser Light Engines, Inc. (LLE), a venture-backed, laser-illumination developer today announced the world’s first public demonstration of fully-despeckled, high brightness 3D, high frame rate (HFR), wide color gamut (WCG) laser projection on a silver 3D screen at the upcoming NAB Technology Symposium on Cinema (TSC), on April 14, 2012 from 4:14pm-5:45pm PDT in Room #S222.

Bill Beck, founder and EVP of Business Development for LLE will be presenting an invited talk on Laser Illumination Systems for 2D and 3D Digital Cinema. “We appreciate the opportunity to educate and update the NAB Digital Cinema community with both a tutorial and a live demonstration of laser 3D on a silver screen in conjunction with SONY,” Beck said. “Since its founding, LLE has been committed to laser-driven light sources that exceed the requirements of digital cinema”. LLE was the first to achieve full laser despeckling on a white screen in 2010, but with the rapid proliferation of 3D, and other advancements to be discussed at this year’s TSC, had to develop additional technology to meet new, more challenging requirements.

Venture-backed: Well, we know that LLE has had a number of interesting investors over the last few years. All laser technologies have been money consumers as obvious and thrilling ideas need a extraordinary effort to get past the vagaries of such precision.

Laser-Illumination developer: There are many, of course. Polaroid Kodak used the engines of a California company rather than LLE’s system for their one-off, pre-prototype projector system. Sony R&D has had releases in the past about their engines, so the fact that this Technology Symposium exhibition is with Sony is interesting…though both companies are careful to point out that this is a technology showing (nothing more, nothing less.) Barco has had some great demonstrations in the recent past, and RED is promising to blow everyone out of the water with their offering. Christie’s mother company Ushio is known to have laser technology, but ‘focused’ more in the IR region.

“world’s first public demonstration of fully-despeckled, high brightness 3D, high frame rate (HFR), wide color gamut (WCG) laser projection on a silver 3D screen”: To parse this, it may appear that the “silver 3D screen” portion that modifies enough to make the “world’s first public demonstration” be valid. But it also may be the “fully-despeckled” phrase. Other companies give their buzz-words that indicate that they have gotten the speckles down to a responsible level, currently an unmeasurable quantity since there is no agreed-upon way to compare one to one. An industry group has been set up to change this, but until then we only know that getting the speckle out of green is the most difficult, and we know that LLE says: Fully-despeckled. One presumes: Zero doesn’t need an industry standard.

But is there a downside to being fully despeckled? Despeckling must, to some degree, be as simple as broadening the Q of the light since it is the narrowness that causes the effect of speckling. But that would have a negative effect as the light approaches the mirrors perhaps. We’ll see if anyone can phrase a question that makes Bill speak to their secret sauce. I suspect 4th and 5th dimension activity.

But what about “wide gamut”? The DCI spec does the opposite of constrict the gamut. It invites manufacturers to get as broad as possible in the XYZ space. But there are limits and distortions with every light. Going “negative” on one or more points to get better effects along the line of purples will have effects in the greens, where the eye is most sensitive. Hopefully Bill Beck will give details here too.

But it is that “silver 3D screen” part that is the rub. Silver implies aluminum and high-gain. Aluminum holds the photon polarity of the RealD and MasterImage systems, so even if the laser light engine were to give them full brightness at the screen with a low gain screen, they would still have to use the silver screen to keep their left-right effect working. Some would say that it is the high-gain problem, giving much of the auditorium less than responsible light levels as the window of ‘gain’ decreases…and they would be right. 23 degrees off the horizontal and/or vertical center and the viewer typically has half the light or less.

But the aluminum also distorts the screen’s image, usually making it impossible to get the 70-90% luminosity level at the sides (as measured from the center), or to get a responsible white point anywhere. This is much of the reason that France’s CNC has banned the silver screen for cinemas showing 2D films and will probably force them out completely as time goes on.

Notwithstanding, this is an interesting release and an interesting step for both technical and political reasons. It will be interesting to see if LLE can parlay this into interesting motion at CinemaCon the following week.

Also interesting is that both parties, Sony and LLE, are being careful in their press releases to say that this joint project is only for this demo. No way to tell how to parse that for absolute truth.

ShowEast [Update]: HFR, 3D Sound, HI/VI Glasses, Test Tools and Duqu

In a clever move, Christie took the URL highframerate.com – It now points to a story on their site: Expect a higher standard- higher frame rates. They tell the hyped part of the story, and don’t tell any of the grusome details like, how is the technology going to get there? what standards are going to need to change? How many of these standards are going to be backwards compatable? But it is good to see an effort to educate their audience.

What we can glean is that Christie now has their own internal media block and screen management system for their projectors. We’ll post the PR for you to read yourselves. When people start touting “Future Proof Your Long Term Investment”, it might be read as “We haven’t paid attention to this before, but we have nailed it now!”

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Barco has two facilities with their new Auro 3D Sound system now…one in Moscow and a new one in Antwerp at Kinepolis. Barco announced IMB/SMS integration at CineEurope.

That makes a lot of parties interested in selling IMBs. We seem to remember a ShoWest that <3 letter company> secretly showed a network panel and IMB that would do the same over a high speed network several years ago…and everyone said it was too early to talk about. We also remember Laser Light Engine’s Bill Beck describing the vision of fibre running from an engineering room to some DLP chips and a lens at the port hole back in 2004. Looks like the time is going to be here before we know it.

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[Update] USL has just released some new information about their new IMB, which will be used for several of the demonstrations of HFR at ShowEast – The input is 500 Megabits per second, twice the DCI spec datarate of 250 for a DCP. It will push to the projector the data rate of just over 10 Gigabits per second, displaying 60 fps stereoscopic 2K (2048×1080), 12 bit JPEG 2000 color plates. An interested party describes it as absolutely stunning.

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Sony showed the incredible Closed Caption glasses at CinemaCon – then the project went into silent mode. They were working with the USL system (speaking of 3 letter companies), which is the gold standard in the market for several reasons; the first being what was mentioned before – they did a good job of evolving their product line so that a client could upgrade without throwing away their current product.

USL also invested heavily to get people noticing the the closed caption space in general, and the glasses idea in particular. They showed them at plugfests and conventions for a few years, and really invested the time for the industry and client’s benefit.

Closed Caption in glasses is a big deal. Other solutions work, like the small screens that fit into popcorn holders. But they seperate the kids who can’t from the kids who can’t…and we all know how kids are. So a product that allows people with impairments, but who can read, now have a pair of glasses available that don’t look bizarre. The effect of placing the words out in the distance is great, so that they don’t have to keep changing focus. There are many questions to follow-up on, and we are expecting a call with Sony immenently – it sure looked as if USL was going to be able to incorporate the Sony technology into their sales flow, so it could be the best of both worlds.

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Harkness has an announcement that is under embargo until Monday and USL has a rumored announcement. Both show a certain maturity to the industry, and just in time. Several cinematographers have measured light levels in hundreds of cinemas around the world and found deplorable circumstances. One got the impression that, until recently, putting any impediments like quality in the stream would be too much for the industry to bear. In the next update we will have links to articles that are embargoed for pre-release, but the potential for Quality Control takes a couple steps forward at ShowEast.

===>> So now it can be revealed. Hopefully we will get more news as the product matures toward release, which is promised to be early next year.

Like IMBs above, the topic of test tools deserves a full article. Doremi has a new product in test, USL has a new product in test, Harkness has a new product in test, Digital Test Tools has a new product in test. Perhaps the industry is ready for a good examination of luminance on the screen.

The Harkness product is called a Digital Screen Checker, and looks like this.

Harkness Screen Checker
Just what the doctor ordered, though we don’t know much about it. What is the price? What corrolation does it have with a NIST certified device? The viewfinder window leaves some confusion in our simple minds. And is this a plot to impose Foot Lamberts on the other 96% of the world that uses the ISO standard unit of candelas per meter.

On/Off us interesting on something that looks like a USB device. But maybe it is also battery powered? Does the USB aspect imply some database and/or network capability?

The press release is attached at the bottom of this document.


USL is also in the process of introducing its LSS-100 Light and Sound Sensor. This product is based upon our 2006 design which combined proprietary luminance and audio level measuring technologies. Their other products in this field are pretty inclusive so, like the Harkness device we look forward to seeing people actually use these devices to make the audience experience more like the director’s intent.USL LSS100

One thing that won’t be talked about at ShowEast is Stuxnet and its new evolution, Duqu. Why would the dcinema industry need to concern itself with a virus that randomly attempts to get into any network to find out information about machine control? We present the link above without comment.

4K; And Then There Were Two

What does this mean for exhibitors and the audience? More light, and more dark. It seems that each generation of the DLP chip constantly refines the edges of, and space between the mirrors, which refines the amount of “off” – the non-reflecting space – and makes the reflecting segments comparatively more “on”…thus a boost in the dynamic range, or “contrast” spec, which the larger size also adds to. The PR doesn’t list how the 2500:1 contrast ratio is measured, but it is a 25% increase from what Barco prints as their C Series spec of 2000:1, while Christie now specifies >2100:1 full field on/off. Presuming that everyone is using the same measuring technique, with more light, larger screens can be lit. [Side note: Barco’s spec says that it takes 32,000 BTUs per hour to get that kind of light from a 6.5kW zenon bulb, which has an average life of 900 hours. No one is saying that this advance will imply less electricity or longer life for the bulbs.]

4K is a nice number, but no one ever walks out of the theater saying that there were too few pixels. There are those who point out that the constraining factor in quadrupling the pixels from 2K to 4K is actually the lens, which can’t resolve that much resolution anyway. 

Because of the increased area, more light will reflect off the same number of micro-mirrors. Therefore, 3D should get the largest noticeable boost – 5% was the number that one OEM used. In a universe that is starting from 10 candela/meter2, 5% more light would be a greater benefit for a 3D audience than the same higher gain would bring for the 2D audience in a larger auditorium.

So, what does this chip do with a 4K 3D image? It doesn’t. We know that there was surprise when Sony announced that they were creating 3D by breaking up their LCOS imager into two 2K sections, one for each eye’s image. But there doesn’t seem to be any loss for orders after exhibitors saw the results.

TI is also keeping a 3D image at 2K, but they make the point that with this release “we will use the entire imager to display 3D in order to pass the maximum amount of light which is needed for 3D display. In other words the 2K image will be scaled up to 4K. We say, All the Imager, All the Time.”  

It makes sense to go for the increase in light, however small it is. The other part of the equation is the amount of bandwidth that can be pushed into the TI cards, but that is more math than is comfortable in this commentary on a simple press release.


23 degrees…half the light. 3D What?

Laser Light Engines gets IMAX funding– Putting Light on the Subject

Optical Efficiency in Digital Cinema Projectors

3Questions – Laser Light Engines

DCI Compliance – Then There Were Three [Updated]

The good news is that after 10 years of TI doing the yeoman work of making the digital cinema industry happen, they finally have gotten two of their OEMs past the goal.

They also announced that there are now 300,000 3D capable projectors in the field. But that was a different group making noise for a different industry.

Congrats to TI. Next up, a server company…bets anyone?

[Update: Christie PR was able to help parse the noise…]:

Yes, there is a difference in our announcement.  Barco’s announcement says only that they’ve passed the “procedural” portion of the CTP.  Christie is announcing they’ve passed everything, which includes the  procedural AND design aspects, so we’re much closer to receiving complete DCI compliance certification.
Here’s Barco’s announcement:
Kortrijk, Belgium, 17 March 2010 — Barco, a global leader in digital cinema announced today that its ‘Series 2’ digital cinema projector has successfully passed the procedural test for DCI compliance administered by CineCert, the leading 3rd party authorizing test facility.
Hope this helps.

 So there. We now know better what to watch for.

Digital Cinema Glossaries

Glossaries Logo

Exhibition Glossaries

Disney Digital Cinema Glossary – (Online PDF)

Rex Beckett’s dicineco DCinema Glossary (Online)

Council of Europe’s Glossary Digitisation (DOC)

XDC’s DC Glossary (PDF)

Michael Karagosian’s MKPE Digital Cinema Technology FAQ

Michael Karagosian’s MKPE Digital Cinema Business FAQs

Dolby’s Digital Cinema Glossary (pdf)

Dolby’s Digital Cinema Glossary – (Link Broken)

Mad Cornish Projectionist Wiki Glossary – (Online)

Europa Distribution DC Glossary (PDF)

DCI DCinema Specs 1.1 Glossary (PDF)

Christie’s Pro A/V Glossary (Online)

3DGuy’s 3D Stereoscopic Glossary (Online)

The Movie Theater Dictionary (Online)

Post Production/Mastering Glossaries

EDCF’s Mastering Guide Glossary – (PDF)

Phil Green’ s Digital Intermediate Guide (Online)

Gael Chandler’s The Joy of Film Editing Glossary (Online)

Surreal Road’s Digital Intermediate Primer (Online)

Surreal Road’s Digital Intermediate FAQ (Online)

Surreal Road’s Digital Intermediate Glossary (Online)

Digital Rebellions’ Post Production Glossary (Online)

FinalColor.com’s Film and Video Glossary for Colorists (Online)

3D Glossary

ev3’s 3D Glossary

3D@Home Consortium Glossary (Online)

3D@Home Consortium and MPEG Industry Forum

Glossary for Video & Perceptual Quality of Stereoscopic Video (Download)


Production Glossaries

ASC’s HD Glossary (Online)

Lowel’s Glossary of Lighting Terms (Online)

Filmland’s Dictionary of Film, Audio and Video (Online)

Moving Picture Company’s Jargon Explained (Online)

Fletcher’s Film Budget Glossary (Online)

Joel Schlemowitz‘s Glossary of Film Terms

Octamas Film Production DC Glossary (Online)

Pocket Lint’s Glossary of 3D Terms (Online)

IMDb Film Glossary

Kodak’s Cinema and Television Glossary (Online)

Sony’s ABCs of Digital Cinema (PDF)

Associated Glossaries

ColorWiki Glossary (Online)

Dilettante’s Dictionary – Audio Terminology in these Digital Days

Visiton Loudspeaker Audio Dictionary (Online) [High level and excellent]

Audio Terms: German / French / English / Italiano

Photonics.com Dictionary (Online)

Christie’s Technology Explained (OnLine)

Joe Kane’s Video Essentials Glossary (Online)

Video Help’s Blu-ray/DVD/VCD Glossary (Online)

Sony’s Audio Glossary (Online PDF) Dang~! Gone

QSC’s Glossary of Audio Terms (Online) Dang~! Gone

Rane’s Pro Audio Reference (Online)

Tech-Notes Glossary of Broadcast Terms (Online)

Cinema and Filmmaking English to German Dictionary (Online)