Tag Archives: DCI

Question 0: What is the exact definition of DCinema

[The question is being answered by David Reisner of D-Cinema Consulting. David is a board member of several organizations such as the ASC and ISDCF, co-author of several books on many fields of the cinema process and specializes in design and implementation of digital cinema infrastructure projects.]

For nearly 100 years, motion pictures have been delivered to theaters on 35mm film and have been shown with film projectors.

Digital Cinema, officially called D-Cinema in the technical community, delivers movies to theaters as digital files – most often on harddisk, sometimes via satellite, probably in future also by network/internet.  The movies are then shown using digital cinema servers (special purpose computer systems) and theater-grade digital projectors.  D-Cinema also includes/requires a number of digital and physical security mechanisms, to keep content (movies) safe.  The key documents are the DCI “Specification” (actually a requirements document) and a number of SMPTE standards.

D-Cinema requires support for 2048 x 1080 or 4096 x 2160 images and 14 foot-lambert brightness (similar to film standard brightness, although theaters sometimes use lower light levels for cost).  Movies are distributed in 12-bit X’Y’Z’ color – much more color detail than HDTV’s Rec. 709.  X’Y’Z’ can represent all the colors that a human can see, but the real limitation is the projector (and, to be fair, the camera and post-production process).  All D-Cinema projectors show at least a minimum color gamut which is a significantly wider range of color than Rec. 709 – similar to the range supported by film.

For some markets or purposes (e.g. pre-show, advertising, maybe small markets), some people use things informally called electronic cinema, e-cinema.  There is no formal standard for e-cinema although there is some informal agreement in certain areas.  E-cinema will have lower resolution, narrower color, less brightness, and little or no security.

Major studio content will only be distributed to D-Cinema systems that meet the SMPTE and DCI specifications and requirements, and have passed the DCI Compliance Test.

David Reisner
D-Cinema Consulting
image quality, color, workflow, hybrid imaging
[email protected]

Digital Cinema Glossaries

Glossaries Logo

Exhibition Glossaries

Disney Digital Cinema Glossary – (Online PDF)

Rex Beckett’s dicineco DCinema Glossary (Online)

Council of Europe’s Glossary Digitisation (DOC)

XDC’s DC Glossary (PDF)

Michael Karagosian’s MKPE Digital Cinema Technology FAQ

Michael Karagosian’s MKPE Digital Cinema Business FAQs

Dolby’s Digital Cinema Glossary (pdf)

Dolby’s Digital Cinema Glossary – (Link Broken)

Mad Cornish Projectionist Wiki Glossary – (Online)

Europa Distribution DC Glossary (PDF)

DCI DCinema Specs 1.1 Glossary (PDF)

Christie’s Pro A/V Glossary (Online)

3DGuy’s 3D Stereoscopic Glossary (Online)

The Movie Theater Dictionary (Online)

Post Production/Mastering Glossaries

EDCF’s Mastering Guide Glossary – (PDF)

Phil Green’ s Digital Intermediate Guide (Online)

Gael Chandler’s The Joy of Film Editing Glossary (Online)

Surreal Road’s Digital Intermediate Primer (Online)

Surreal Road’s Digital Intermediate FAQ (Online)

Surreal Road’s Digital Intermediate Glossary (Online)

Digital Rebellions’ Post Production Glossary (Online)

FinalColor.com’s Film and Video Glossary for Colorists (Online)

3D Glossary

ev3’s 3D Glossary

3D@Home Consortium Glossary (Online)

3D@Home Consortium and MPEG Industry Forum

Glossary for Video & Perceptual Quality of Stereoscopic Video (Download)


Production Glossaries

ASC’s HD Glossary (Online)

Lowel’s Glossary of Lighting Terms (Online)

Filmland’s Dictionary of Film, Audio and Video (Online)

Moving Picture Company’s Jargon Explained (Online)

Fletcher’s Film Budget Glossary (Online)

Joel Schlemowitz‘s Glossary of Film Terms

Octamas Film Production DC Glossary (Online)

Pocket Lint’s Glossary of 3D Terms (Online)

IMDb Film Glossary

Kodak’s Cinema and Television Glossary (Online)

Sony’s ABCs of Digital Cinema (PDF)

Associated Glossaries

ColorWiki Glossary (Online)

Dilettante’s Dictionary – Audio Terminology in these Digital Days

Visiton Loudspeaker Audio Dictionary (Online) [High level and excellent]

Audio Terms: German / French / English / Italiano

Photonics.com Dictionary (Online)

Christie’s Technology Explained (OnLine)

Joe Kane’s Video Essentials Glossary (Online)

Video Help’s Blu-ray/DVD/VCD Glossary (Online)

Sony’s Audio Glossary (Online PDF) Dang~! Gone

QSC’s Glossary of Audio Terms (Online) Dang~! Gone

Rane’s Pro Audio Reference (Online)

Tech-Notes Glossary of Broadcast Terms (Online)

Cinema and Filmmaking English to German Dictionary (Online)