Tag Archives: Arcadia

File Festival–Melzo, International

Melzo International File Festival LogoWhat fun. Third Year. In Melzo, which means, Arcadia, the nicest cinema in the world.

We believe that culture is of fundamental importance.
It is essential to invest in culture rather than to cut funds.

As Albert Camus wrote “Without culture and the related freedom that is derived from it, society, even if it were a perfect one, would be a jungle. This is why every authentic creation is a gift for the future”.

I don’t know that Camus made a comment about 3D.

Read the rest of the literature at:


File Festival–Melzo, International

Melzo International File Festival LogoWhat fun. Third Year. In Melzo, which means, Arcadia, the nicest cinema in the world.

We believe that culture is of fundamental importance.
It is essential to invest in culture rather than to cut funds.

As Albert Camus wrote “Without culture and the related freedom that is derived from it, society, even if it were a perfect one, would be a jungle. This is why every authentic creation is a gift for the future”.

I don’t know that Camus made a comment about 3D.

Read the rest of the literature at:
