You believe that Snellen eyechart or your lying eyes?

Chris Chinnock of Insight Media has tied together a group of interesting data to counter the meme that the visual acuity of the Human Visual System is incapable of discerning differences in 4K or 8K unless one is close enough to get nose oil on the screen.

Finally those who see movement flaws and dithering in 4K materials from distances supposedly impossible can stop doubting themselves, armed with science. Effects such as Film layers put over video that are composed of various forms of dithering dirt that show up on LED screens can be explained. …– even though that addition is perhaps worthy for the 2K or 4K projection to remove the video look.

See: 8K TVs Top TV Line-ups for a Reason

For those not familiar with Chris and Insight Media, he has been assembling various focused multi-day seminars which go beyond what is typically delved into during HPA (they go into topics of the future but are not as focused on any one topic) or the NAB/IBC/ISE/CES circuits (which dance around immediately interesting topics generated from the new developments that manufacturers are showing). Nothing wrong with those, but the Insight Media sessions hit their topics from experts in with newly developed information from several tangents.      

For example, the October 2018 Display Summit held at the Harman International facility in Northridge gathered 30 experts on light field and LED technology. (It took 5 of them before I understood that there will never be a Star Wars hologram kit in my cereal box, ever. And although I have been in Barco facilities that had walls full of LED displays under test – headed to concerts, stores and exhibition displays, I was still surprised to hear a Barco/Cinionics speaker discussing LED walls for cinema.)

And here is a link for a little music to listen to while reading Chris’ piece: El Panquelero – Silvia Perez Cruz & Javier Colina Trio

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