The DCinemaTools Community

When will this be filled with something interesting.

We don’t expect a community right away. But we would appreciate any of your time in making it happen. Many disparate groups studying the same problems/solutions, but not talking, is not only inefficient, but not fun.

Do you want to join in?

Here’s the platform that we offer you:

  • Articles are nice. Cross the line between Science and PR and most people will stop reading…but go ahead.
  • White Papers are very cool. I mean, we’re all really trainspotters here, with a social disguise.
  • Contribute to the forums. Don’t start fights. Pretend that you don’t know everything and ask a question.
  • Point out a news source that you enjoy, which we should include on our pages.
  • Give us a scoop or two. We won’t tell anyone where it came from.

Any help or advice is appreciated.

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