Tag Archives: Toland

ASC Digital Assistant–The iPhone App

Toland (named after Gregg Toland, ASC, cinematographer of Citizen KaneThe Best Years of Our Life, Grapes of Wrath among other films, as well as being an innovator in the use of light) combines a calculator and logging interface that tracks photographic choices as they are made. Changing the camera speed will bring up feedback on how this affects running time and exposure; changing a lenses, will derive Depth of Field and Field of View updates in real time. If desired, Toland then allows a log to be created with all this information, building comprehensive camera reports throughout the process.

See more at the Toland site:

:::::: CHEMICAL WEDDING ::::::

FEATURES (from the site):

  • Comprehensive database of cameras and lenses
  • Exposure calculator covering camera speed, shutter angle & filter factor
  • Running time and footage calculator
  • “Flicker Free” warning indicator
  • Depth of Field calculator with clever focus marks
  • Angle of View indicator with pretty picture
  • Full camera data logging which can be exported for reporting
  • Pocket voodo