Tag Archives: La fédération des cinémas

Released en francais: DCinema Technical Best Practices [Updated]

Now In English, translated from the french by the EDCF – European Digital Cinema Forum; This excellent guide from the Federation National Cinemas Francais (FNCF) and the Commission Superieure Technique de l’Image et du Son (CST): TECHNICAL GUIDE FOR THE PROJECTION BOOTH IN DIGITAL CINEMA – Click the attachment link below.

End Update   — — 

La luminance de toutes les images, dans tous les formats de projection, doit être calibrée à 48 cd/m2. Le projecteur doit permettre la création de cette luminance.

The Federation of Cinemas and the Commission of Best Practices (La fédération des cinémas et la commission supérieure technique) has released a comprehensive document called The Technical Guide for the Digital Cinema Projection Booth (le Guide technique de la cabine cinéma numérique). The quote above, as an example, says that:

“The luminance of all images, in all the formats of projection, must be calibrated at 48 candelas per square meter. The projector must permit the creation of that luminance.”

And which professional digital cinema projector doesn’t create that level of light? One that is projecting a 3D movie would fit into that category. Please ask your local cinema manager if they are showing the latest movie at the required 14 foot-Lamberts (the 48 candela/m2 equivalent that the US and England uses) like they are supposed to.

If you are signed in, you can download the PDF version of le Guide technique de la cabine cinéma numérique here.