Channel Assignment-Recommended-

Implementing Closed Caption and HI / VI in the evolving DCinema World

Summarizing the standards effort for accessibility in digital cinema:

  • SMPTE 429-2 describes labeling for the 5.1, 6.1, and 7.1 audio formats in the SMPTE DCP (DCP = Digital Cinema Package)
    Note: Each audio format prescribes how to package HI and VI-N accessibility audio, where HI = Hearing Impaired, and VI-N = Visually Impaired Narrative;
  • SMPTE 428-10 and 429-12 describe how to prepare and distribute closed caption content in the SMPTE DCP; and,
  • SMPTE 430-10 and 430-11 describe the SMPTE CC Output from the server.

The SMPTE standards for audio do not prescribe the media block outputs on which HI and VI-N should appear. If not specifically prescribed by exhibitor specifications, these channels may appear on different outputs when switching from 5.1 to another audio format. The chart below prescribes the recommended mapping of SMPTE 429-2 audio tracks to the audio outputs of the media block. Note that HI and VI-N audio are recommended to always be routed to outputs 15 and 16.

[Editor: Please read the rest of the article at the following link for the timeline being recommended, in coordination with the InterSociety Digital Cinema Forum (ISDCF), and aligned with the SMPTE DCP roll-out being implemented starting in April 2010

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Update on Digital Cinema Support for Those with Disabilities: December 2009

by Michael Karagosian
©2009 MKPE Consulting LLC  All rights reserved worldwide

Channel Assignment-Recommended-

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