Microsoft Patch Tuesday Bug

It’s Microsoft Patch Tuesday: September 2009

Microsoft Patch Tuesday BugThis month’s patch release is about average for Microsoft Patch Tuesday,
but there were a huge number of out of band patches in late August. I’m
really not a big fan of that for non-critical security patches. It
makes sense, though; the patches are related to Windows 7 and Windows
Server 2008 R2, both of which RTMed recently and are just now finding
their way onto systems.

By reader request, I am now listing the updates’ approximate sizes.
I am rounding the numbers, so don’t treat the numbers as accurate to
the byte; the numbers are meant to let you know if this is worth the
download in locations with restricted or metered bandwidth. Please let
me know in the forums whether you find this change useful or think it
adds clutter to the report.

We are continuing to use our new rating system, where one flag means
“patch only if applicable,” two flags means “patch during your next
regularly scheduled patch cycle,” and three flags indicates “patch

[Editor’s Point] Why is this important? Well, obviously, it ain’t. Most of the production and post and exhibition machines are, a) not connected to the internet and b) are not Windows machines.

Not so obviously, how many of us get a USB stick with a file we need from a Windows machine? or where the original information came from a Windows machine? Those ads that need playing before the movie may or may no have come from a hard disk that come from a Windows machine, but I’ll bet money that the key distribution system is on a Windows machine.

Is there a recorded instance where a Unix virus was put onto a USB stick that got inserted into a film play-out server? I don’t know. But constant vigilance and watching the buts of our co-workers is going to save more than one problem in the future. 

Tech Republic is a responsible journal for this type of info. If they say Update Now, please, Update Now.

Read the entire article at: It’s Microsoft Patch Tuesday: September 2009 | Microsoft Windows |

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